Cracks, chips and stubborn stains – what can you do if these suddenly appear on your teeth? In these cases, porcelain veneers should be your first choice. Veneers from our dentist in Encinitas are designed to effectively cover up cosmetic imperfections in your teeth, and leave your smile looking more brilliant than before.
What are Porcelain Veneers?
Veneers are thin shells made of porcelain that are placed over the front-facing surfaces of teeth. Unlike crowns, veneers do not encapsulate the whole tooth and are designed to cover misalignment, cracks, and deep inner tooth (intrinsic) stains. Depending on the thickness of the veneer, a certain amount of light is allowed to pass through. This light reflected gives off a brilliant sheen that makes your teeth appear whiter and more radiant.
What Can Porcelain Veneers Fix?
As porcelain veneers do not alter the entirety of a tooth, they can be applied in a number of scenarios. Here are just a few of the imperfections that Dr. Sherman may recommend veneers for:
- Crooked teeth
- Intrinsic or whitening-resistant stains
- Cracks and chips
- Teeth that are too small
The Porcelain Veneer Process
There are two separate appointments in the process: the impression and the installation. During the first visit, Dr. Sherman will lightly buff and shape the teeth receiving veneers. This preparation helps ensure that your veneers sit comfortably and securely on the teeth and do not appear overly large. Impressions are then taken of your smile and will be used to mold your final veneers. To protect your teeth between preparation and placement, Dr. Sherman will place temporaries, or “flippers” on the altered teeth.
Once your veneer has been made, you’ll return to our Encinitas dentist for placement. The flippers are removed and the dental bonding cement will be placed on the teeth to help secure the final veneers. Once the cosmetic treatment is secured, Dr. Sherman will check that the veneers is sitting comfortably against your teeth and blends in naturally with the rest of your smile.
The Importance of Appearance
In 2007, Procter & Gamble published a unique study about white teeth and first impressions. Participants in the study were asked about the importance of a first impression appearance. In simulated job interviews, 65% of participants were viewed as “more successful” and 61% as “more confident” after their teeth had been whitened. Participants also viewed a whiter smile as a sign of financial success (64%) and trustworthiness (52%).
Dr. Dacher Keltner, smile psychologist and Professor of Psychology at University of California at Berkeley said, “This study provides some of the first findings that speak to the powerful benefits of having a whiter smile…Visible from 200 feet, it is the intense focus of what other people look at, and a sign of our warmth, confidence, and health.”
Though we are taught to “not judge a book by its cover,” we are instinctively drawn to a whiter, more confident smile. If you have job in the public eye or trying to get back into the dating scene, a whiter smile with porcelain veneers can be the ticket to a more confident you. Veneers not only cover up the cosmetic flaws in your smile, but also reflect the true you inside.
Veneers and Cosmetic Smile Makeovers
Porcelain veneers are an excellent solution to cover up cracks, chips and stubborn stains that are resistant to whitening. But they can also be combined with other cosmetic treatments to help patients with extensive dental damage achieve the perfect smile form a perfect smile!
For teeth that have been too physically damaged for veneers, Dr. Sherman offers dental crowns as a comprehensive alternative. Crowns are tooth caps that are shaped and shaded to look exactly like a natural tooth. The crown is placed over the tooth to protect it from further damage. We can draft a treatment of both veneers and crowns, to cover up these cosmetic flaws and create your dream smile.
Teeth Whitening
Stains and discoloration can make your smile appear unhealthy, but oftentimes this can be cured with some thorough teeth whitening treatment. But, while rare, there are some stains that are too deep-seated to be bleached with whitening. In these cases, we recommend a combination of whitening and porcelain veneers to mask these stains. These treatments combined, you’ll have a brighter and whiter smile.
Ready for Veneers? Contact Dr. Sherman Today!
Porcelain veneers are among the best cosmetic solutions out there for dental flaws. Surprisingly versatile, porcelain veneers can cover cracks and chips as well as change the shape of a tooth to create a beautifully uniform smile. Come see what porcelain veneers can do for your smile by giving our cosmetic dentist in Encinitas a call and scheduling your consultation today!